Sunday, February 2, 2014

New Week - Theme: Food!

Welcome back to the icy tundra, returning from the warm, sunny beaches of Mexico.  Don't worry though... we saved plenty of cold and snow for you!

I cheated a bit last week by repeating the theme, so I'll get the ball rolling here for this week.  How about making the theme, 'food'.

One of the 2 guys at the bakery where I work ( who, it should be noted, is very slim and rather buff) slipped accidentally into an unfortunate discussion about weight in a roomful of female co-workers.  To his credit, he quickly realized he was on a slippery slope and tried to redeem himself by saying he was talking about 'soul' weight and not actual poundage (still not sure this is any better).  So, he nicely decorated this hilarious cookie for me and all was forgotten!  :-)  Yes, I ate it.